Thursday, April 19, 2007

Last Night's Lost

I did actually vow to never watch Lost again but the boys were watching it last night and I got sucked back in.

This episode was Desmond heavy. I heart Desmond but mind you, I did nod off a few times during the flashbacks.

So Desmond has yet another vision of Charlie biting the dust. This time Charlie, who apparently doesn't watch where's he's walking while he's discussing whether or not Superman is the ultimate super hero, triggers a boobie trap and gets an arrow through his throat. In the vision Desmond does nothing - not that he really could do much - and watches Charlie die. Intermingled in the vision are clips of a parachuter dangling from a tree and a vision of Penny, Desmond's trew wove.

Now just to anger those of us who love Charlie, Desmond decides that the parachuter must be Penny and in order to be reunited with Penny, he's going to let Charlie die. If that happened, this would be the last episode I ever watched. But good ole Des saves Charlie at the last minute and guess what. The parachuter isn't Penny. Ha.

Charlie now knows that Desmond almost let him die and created the whole scenario to bring him to the place where he would die. If I were him, I'd pay Sawyer to kick his ass.

Oh, and now that Jack is no longer interested, Kate is officially with Sawyer. Poor Sawyer. Kate's now on my list of Losties that need to be eaten by a polar bear.


Monday, April 16, 2007

The Office - Safety Training

I have to say that I needed this episode after last week. I honestly did not stop laughing through the whole 20 minutes. (Layne laughed too, but it was his fake laugh which just added to my laughter.)

According to the fanboys on IMDB, this was a horrible episode and the reason why the show should be canceled. Maybe if Jenna Fischer was given a reason to show some of her goodies, they would declare it the best episode...evar!

The highlights of the episode were:

Dwight shunning Andy/Drew and using unshun/reshun when he had to speak with him. I really want to use this at work but I don't dislike anyone. It would be great if Matt shunned Vaughn at work though. :)

The other highlight was the office staff gambling on everything including how long Ryan could keep Kelly talking about Netflix and how many times she used "awesome". Netflix is so awesome!

The best quote was from Kevin. "If anyone offers you 10,000 to 1 odds, take it. If John Melloncamp ever wins an oscar, I'm going to be a very rich man." Or something to that effect.


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Doctor Who Season 2

Ok, I like David Tennant as the Doctor even if I was a little creeped out that he was Barty Crouch , Jr. David Tennant, by the way, has erotically long fingers. In case an episode is ever a little dull, you can concentrate on his fingers or his lusciously long and sexy coat. Every man should be required to wear an extra long over coat at all times.

Season 2 Highlights:
            • Rose and the Doctor get far too chummy
            • Werewolf!
            • Mickey is the Tin Dog
            • Moaning Myrtle makes a guest appearance
            • An episode with the cybermen and Daleks
            • And the caterpillars that live on top of Rose's eyes finally died.

I did cry during the last episode when Rose and the Doctor had their last conversation and I did scream Mickey's name when he suddenly appeared in Torchwood. I'm moving on now though.

Oh, the bit where Rose and the Doctor talk about the baby; Even though it's her mum's baby and not Rose's, I took the Doctor's reaction as proof that they had diddled.

I'd give it 8/10

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Last Week's Office

My random thoughts of the first episode back from the break:
      • Go Dwight with the pepper spray...and throwing stars and numchucks!
      • I really wanted Roy to beat the crap out of Jim.
      • I really wanted Pam to beat the crap out of Jim.
      • I really wanted Karen to beat the crap out of Jim.
      • Thank god, Andy is back!
      • I really hate Jim.
      • I need to find a reason to use Bippity Boppity at work.
      • Toby is always adorable.
      • I really hate Jim.
      • Italian pants have no back pockets.
      • I really hate Jim.
      • Ryan and Kelly really need to break up.
      • I really hate Jim.
The negotiation article on wikipedia that Micheal uses:

When you're not sure of who to call, apparently you call me.

I get at least one weird phone call per week. It's as if the person closes their eyes, points to a number in the phone book and dials our office.

Today it was a woman who recently relocated to Bloomington and needed a cardiologist. Ok, Social Work Education has really nothing to do with helping people pick a health care provider but I gave it a shot.

In the past people have mistaken us for the Sociology, Education, Admissions, Financial Aid and Business Departments. You'd think my friendly, "good morning/afternoon School of Social Work" would have tipped them off. It's a good thing that I've been here a bazillion years and I know when FAFSA's are due and how long it takes to be admitted.

And then there are the people that really need help and think we're working social workers and not educators. Those calls get passed on to Kathy. I'm more comfortable telling people when FAFSA's are due.

Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Blender Dilemma

I use a blender almost daily to make Layne's nummy, nummy food. To date we've gone through a food processor, a hand mixer and two blenders. It's very easy to burn the motor's out - at least it's very easy for ME to burn the motors out. Of course I could be more careful, but when your mixing so much, it's easy to not know if the mix is too thick.

We lost our blender last week. It was a Hamilton Beach Wave that was similar to the picture. I spent a whole $20 last fall at Target and was pretty well pleased with it's performance. It made months worth of food for the Doodle and pureed pounds of vegetables and fruit. It had a long life.

So what now...

After a quick search, it seemed that Oster makes the superior blender. Now, if anyone wants to spend $200 on us this xmas and buy us an Oster Bar Blender, I will be more than happy to accept.

Instead I settled on this very shiny $40 blender at Bed, Bath, and Blah, Blah, Blah. ($40 means that it will last twice as long as a $20 blender, right?)

It has a glass pitcher - yay! And the shiny chrome is plastic. That's disappointing. It is a bit loud, but that's not something I'm concerned with. The pitcher is smaller than what I'm used to so I have to add more water after it's out of the blender. Over all, it's a fine little machine.

Oster Blender purchased 3/28/07, died.....

And apparently a drop to the floor does not break the glass pitcher. Bonus!

Monday, April 2, 2007

Rome Season 2

My 5 stages of Rome grief:

I finally watched the last episode of Rome over the weekend. The episode had been sitting on my desktop all week begging me to watch but I just couldn't bring myself to accept that it was over.


After watching it and crying through most of the episode, I was frustrated that Atia didn't have a real ending. The last shot we see of her is at Octavian's Triumph with tears in her eyes. And did Lucius die? It looked like he was close when he reconciled with his ingrate daughter, and Pullo told Octavian that he didn't make it. But...ok, I want a long drawn out death scene. I'm already balling at this point so let's have it.


I'm not gonna bargain. I know that all the petitions being sent to HBO and the BBC are useless.

I was honesty inconsolable for about 2 minutes after the episode and had to seek refuge in all the Doctor Who episodes on youtube. But no more life worth living without Pullo?


Rome was an amazing series and I loved every episode. There aren't many shows that I will say that about. Better for it to end now then drag out into 3 or 4 more low budget seasons.


I heart Rome. 10/10