Tuesday, September 11, 2007

I want you...

to buy your textbooks online and steal my music, while you're at it.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

More Fun with Drunken Monkeys

The phone call of the day...

Advisor: I have a student that wants to add one of your courses. Where should I tell him/her to go?

I give her our street address, landmarks, and a description of the house.

Advisor: But you're WU. Where is that?

Again, I say where we're located and explain that WU is our code on the campus map. Like GY is geology and EP is journalism.

Advisor: But where do I tell the student to go?

I hope she could tell that I had lost my patience. I again, tell where we are and that WU is just a code.

This has been the 6th call this week from an advisor from that particular department. Its good to see that the university has no qualms about hiring monkeys.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

30% of my time at work is spent doing other people's jobs

Man asks for Criminology department at the IU switchboard.

No, criminology department here.

Man then asks for Social Sciences. She transfers him to me.

Close but no cigar.

I transfer him to Criminal Justice.

Jen is not the IU Switchboard who is now operated by drunken monkeys.