Thursday, March 29, 2007

Last Night's Lost

Wow. I'm not sure whether to love or hate last night's episode.

Nikki and Paulo are presumably dead. Buried alive after they were believed to be dead by the Losties but were really just paralyzed by a spider bite.

That was kinda of cool actually.

Maybe they can still climb out of their graves and add some reason for their presence on the show.

I've missed a few episodes but their flashbacks were completely worthless. Ok, they're jewel thieves, so what does that have to do with any other character or Dharma?

Paulo overhears one conversation between Ben and Juliet that revels nothing other than Paulo's mysterious need to always been on the toilet and why he was always so grumpy. (Poor boy was having nic fits.)

And all the revisited flashbacks with Paulo and Nikki digitally added into scenes from the previous seasons really just pissed me off. Are we that desperate for story lines? Or are we just frantically trying to pull them into the plot before they asked to be killed off?

Were Paulo and Nikki never invited to the Losties meetings? They discovered Eko's brother's plane and the Pearl before the other Losties. It would have been convenient for P&N to speak up about the 2nd hatch when Ethan was hunting them like boar and the 1st hatch was still sealed. Sure they seemed to keep to themselves, but what the hell.

AND...why do the Losties always accuse Sawyer? He had no motive to kill P&N. He hasn't killed any of the Losties. He only mortally wounded Kate's marshal AFTER said marshal asked to be killed.
  • Charlie killed Ethan (an Other).
  • Locke killed Boone.
  • Sun killed an Other.
  • Micheal killed Anna Lucia.
  • Anna Lucia killed Shannon.
Logic would say, suspect John Locke. So what if he's on the other side of the island at the moment!

Charlie, why did you have to tell Sun that you were the one that attacked her so Sawyer could get the guns in Season 2? Desmond won't be able to save you from Jin when he finds out.

I give it a 5/10. I felt sorry for Paulo's character but wasn't sorry to see him go. And if we don't start getting some answers soon, this will be my last season trying to figure this story out.

I forgot...there was special guest star appearance from Billy Dee Williams. Sweet.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Doctor Who Season 1

I watched the 2005 version of Doctor last week while I was stuck in bed with the stomach flu.

During my visit with Martika we were chatting about the new version and how the season 2 Doctor was like Cap'n Mal. We all love Cap'n Mal. But I needed to start with season 1. That's just logical.

I'm always up for new shows so I gave it a try. I swear, after an episode I was hooked. I really loved
Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. He can go from goofy to serious in 2 seconds. Rose...can be annoying as well as her mother and boyfriend. But towards the end of the season we got Cap'n Jack.

I love Cap'n Jack. He's adorable and a complete slut. What's not to like! And now I have to watch Torchwood to see what happens to him.

I think my favorite episodes: The 2nd episode, I think, where they abduct Charles Dickens. And the episode set in 1940's London where they pick up Cap'n Jack.

I was a little teary when the Doctor transformed into the new Doctor. Will season 2 feel different with a new actor?

I would give this first season 8/10.

300 Review

Oh, my god, I loved this movie. I saw it once during opening weekend with Martika and then again with boys in town the next week.

I think it maybe about some battle in Greece like a billion years ago but all the nappie clad men clouded my mind.

Besides all the physical beauty of the actors, the movie is just stunning. The violence and gore is incredibly beautiful.

The only regret I had - no naked spooning.

What I learned from The 300:
  • I need my own Michael Fassbender to giggle inappropriately at obstacles in my life.
  • Gerry Butler's mouth is just amazing. Seriously.
  • Don't mess with Greek women, but I already knew that one.
  • 30 something women were not their key demographic - who knew!
  • I am actually a 14 year old boy. Again, who knew!
  • Rodrigo should just be Xerxes on Lost instead of that annoying Paulo. That would fix some problems with the Losties.
  • When did David Wenham become so damn annoying? And where was he when the rest of the cast had their 16 hours of weight training?
Things I didn't learn:
  • That Persians are evil
  • That flamboyant fictional characters who may or may not be gay are evil.
Overall I'd give it 9/10. With naked spooning it would have a 10/10. Maybe the dvd deleted scenes will bump this up to a 10.