Harry Potter Personality Quiz by Pirate Monkeys Inc.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday, December 10, 2007
Tin Man

I like Zooey Deschanel. I like Alan Cumming. And now I really like Neal McDonough. I really never got into the whole Oz world but its sounded like an interesting concept.
But overall Tin Man was disappointing. There were some parts that kept me interested but I got bored...a lot. Especially during the young GeeDee, young Az scenes.
The characters were good. The actors were fine. I think it was just the writing. At one point GeeDee is crying after witnessing the events that led to Glitch/Ambroise losing his brain. When my reaction was, so what? I'm not really attached to any character.
If they do turn this into a series - which at this point, I don' think the story is strong enough to hold up a series - they really need to bring in someone in who can do more than just retell facts and add some emotion.
Saturday, December 1, 2007
What Jen Wants for Xmas
(Sorry, Marissa, this is only xmas picture I have on my computer.)
- Laptop
- Another hard drive
- That brownie pan that only makes edges
- Cookie sheets
- Vacation - anywhere
- Larger Mp3 player or maybe one that I don't have to keep plugged in all the time.
- Larger computer monitor
- Wii and all the games I want
- New chucks or docs
- Playmobile Rome set and I'll share!
- The new Harry Potter or Potc or Futurama
- Season 4 being the last season for David Tennant as the Doctor
- A U.S. NIN Tour - It's been more than a year, buddy.
- A new xmas tree because the 41/2 foot "Montana pine" that I bought 10 years ago at a yard sale for $5 now has a permanent lean.
- A new tree skirt. The uber cheap felt one I have has become ratty.
Yeah I suck. But you keep asking me.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Robin Hood

- That's not chain mail - those are glad bags.
- I'm pretty sure this was shot entirely in Brown County.
- There seems to be A LOT of sexual tension between Guy and Robin. They must have had some rivalry in High School.
- "Crunch and Munch is no longer my manservant...he's my life partner."
- There seems to be A LOT of sexual tension between Guy and Marian, Guy and the curtains, Guy and the furniture, Guy and the horses, Guy and the peasants, Guy and the sheriff, Guy and himself. I think you get the point.
- If they don't cease with the arrow shot scene labels, I will beat someone to death. Seriously. Who edited this? A fourth grader?
- Marian has tiny ears. They're incredibly disproportionate. I can't stop looking at them whenever she's on screen.
- Wouldn't it better to free the little guys dangling by their necks and save the monologue for later?
- Oh no, slightly hairier and larger men with bows. It's odd how everyone's beard is perfectly groomed and everyone seems cleaner than I'd thought they'd be in 1182.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
The Three Faces of David Tennant
There has always been something that bothered me about David Tennant. I finally figured it out after an indulgent mini marathon. Yes, he's cute and he has an accent but he's also a wonderfully one dimensional actor. That's not an insult - he is wonderful at it.
Movie #1 - Secret Smile
David stars as a scary crazed ex boyfriend to the chic from Shaun of the Dead. First, who knew Lifetime movies were not an American phenomenon? Not me. Richard Greico could totally play this part here.
This had a nice twist at the end but girlfriend was just plain stupid for never changing her locks when she broke up with him. I had a scary ex boyfriend once too although he wasn't remotely cute or Scottish, and I changed the locks while he was asleep one morning. You don't see me hiding out in Australia.
This is David's scary side and he doesn't show much else in this movie besides his "oh" face. Still he wasn't that scary. Richard Greico is scarier.
Movie #2 - Recovery
Ok, David was really good in this. His character gets hit by a truck - and that scene was so awesome I had to watch it three times - but survives with a good amount of brain damage. The story focuses around his family and David trying to adjust to life. I couldn't actually finish it. Some of it was a little too close to home but it was good.
So this is David's specialty character side. Sorry, can't find a better term. :) Sure there's some depth and heart break but still...mostly just one dimensional.
Movie #3 - Casanova
And now we come to goofy.
He's superb at goofy but for the love of god, I could only take about 30 minutes of this. This was incredibly fluffy even for Russel T. Davies.
And that is why Christopher Eccleston was a better Doctor.
Special Mention - Jude.

This is just an awful, awful movie since there are not one but three dead babies. However it does star Christopher Eccleston as Jude and David Tennant as I believe "Drunken Undergraduate". But David says his one line with such passion that he stands out completely from the other drunken students. It's just impossible to forget him.
Movie #1 - Secret Smile

This had a nice twist at the end but girlfriend was just plain stupid for never changing her locks when she broke up with him. I had a scary ex boyfriend once too although he wasn't remotely cute or Scottish, and I changed the locks while he was asleep one morning. You don't see me hiding out in Australia.
This is David's scary side and he doesn't show much else in this movie besides his "oh" face. Still he wasn't that scary. Richard Greico is scarier.
Movie #2 - Recovery

So this is David's specialty character side. Sorry, can't find a better term. :) Sure there's some depth and heart break but still...mostly just one dimensional.
Movie #3 - Casanova

He's superb at goofy but for the love of god, I could only take about 30 minutes of this. This was incredibly fluffy even for Russel T. Davies.
And that is why Christopher Eccleston was a better Doctor.
Special Mention - Jude.

This is just an awful, awful movie since there are not one but three dead babies. However it does star Christopher Eccleston as Jude and David Tennant as I believe "Drunken Undergraduate". But David says his one line with such passion that he stands out completely from the other drunken students. It's just impossible to forget him.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Eastern Promises

I saw this with Matt while the boys were on holiday. And yes, we saw it for that reason.
I really do love Viggo. He should be in every movie, tv show and on every cereal box from now to eternity. He is just a lovely human being.
However this was not my favorite Viggo movie. It was slow and dragged at points. I'm not sure why the Russian Mafia didn't just kill Naomi Watts. I kind of wanted to kill her. The story was interesting - it just needed to move along a bit.
Viggo does save a baby which I loved. And he does spend 5 minutes necked and fighting men with pointy knives. There was more cringing from me than trying to get a peek.
No, Sean, I won't be downloading the movie and trying to pause it at the right times.
Friday, October 5, 2007
Outsourcing sucks!
Let's take a good organization that's friendly, helpful, and actually cares about the university community by giving back to each department and replace it with a faceless corporate whore beast that abuses its employees by not offering benefits and is only, only interested in getting into Jane Freshman's wallet.
I am seriously sick of sending angry emails to said corporate whore beast's manager. Yes, I am sick of being angry and sharing those tirades with the person responsible. Unbelievable, right? Jesus christ, it's a bookstore run by a bookstore. The logic in my brain says that it should work better than the huge pile of dung that is the IU Bookstore.
We should seriously encourage all of our students to buy their books online. That will be my first conversation with Kathy on Monday. Hell, I'll price check the books for the kids just to keep them from feeding the beast.
Let's take a good organization that's friendly, helpful, and actually cares about the university community by giving back to each department and replace it with a faceless corporate whore beast that abuses its employees by not offering benefits and is only, only interested in getting into Jane Freshman's wallet.
I am seriously sick of sending angry emails to said corporate whore beast's manager. Yes, I am sick of being angry and sharing those tirades with the person responsible. Unbelievable, right? Jesus christ, it's a bookstore run by a bookstore. The logic in my brain says that it should work better than the huge pile of dung that is the IU Bookstore.
We should seriously encourage all of our students to buy their books online. That will be my first conversation with Kathy on Monday. Hell, I'll price check the books for the kids just to keep them from feeding the beast.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Thursday, September 6, 2007
More Fun with Drunken Monkeys
The phone call of the day...
Advisor: I have a student that wants to add one of your courses. Where should I tell him/her to go?
I give her our street address, landmarks, and a description of the house.
Advisor: But you're WU. Where is that?
Again, I say where we're located and explain that WU is our code on the campus map. Like GY is geology and EP is journalism.
Advisor: But where do I tell the student to go?
I hope she could tell that I had lost my patience. I again, tell where we are and that WU is just a code.
This has been the 6th call this week from an advisor from that particular department. Its good to see that the university has no qualms about hiring monkeys.
Advisor: I have a student that wants to add one of your courses. Where should I tell him/her to go?
I give her our street address, landmarks, and a description of the house.
Advisor: But you're WU. Where is that?
Again, I say where we're located and explain that WU is our code on the campus map. Like GY is geology and EP is journalism.
Advisor: But where do I tell the student to go?
I hope she could tell that I had lost my patience. I again, tell where we are and that WU is just a code.
This has been the 6th call this week from an advisor from that particular department. Its good to see that the university has no qualms about hiring monkeys.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
30% of my time at work is spent doing other people's jobs
Man asks for Criminology department at the IU switchboard.
No, criminology department here.
Man then asks for Social Sciences. She transfers him to me.
Close but no cigar.
I transfer him to Criminal Justice.
Jen is not the IU Switchboard who is now operated by drunken monkeys.
No, criminology department here.
Man then asks for Social Sciences. She transfers him to me.
Close but no cigar.
I transfer him to Criminal Justice.
Jen is not the IU Switchboard who is now operated by drunken monkeys.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Yes, if you're a stereotypical girl obsessed with boys, fashion, and all things pink, you can head over to www.ask-elizabeth.com for advice from none other than Elizabeth Burkley (aka Jesse Spano or that bimbo from Showgirls.)
I don't know what's more disturbing about this. Maybe it's the fact the this person had decided to mentor America's young girls. Or that whomever she paid to badly design her site thinks that America's young girls are attracked to this bullshit. (They should have seriously used a focus group.) Plus, since Showgirls, Elizabeth has pretty much been off the radar. IMDB So these girls won't know who she even is. Watch the ask-elizabeth video under "mission" for proof of that. Several of the girls posing questions - that are totally scripted - roll their eyes at her. That made my morning. :)
Plus now, I can bug Carlene, who showed me the site, by humming the annoying song playing in the background. No, not Coldplay, the na na na na na na song. Don't forget to sign up everyone you know for the ask-elizabeth.com newsletter! Carlene will hate me by the end of the day. :)
I don't know what's more disturbing about this. Maybe it's the fact the this person had decided to mentor America's young girls. Or that whomever she paid to badly design her site thinks that America's young girls are attracked to this bullshit. (They should have seriously used a focus group.) Plus, since Showgirls, Elizabeth has pretty much been off the radar. IMDB So these girls won't know who she even is. Watch the ask-elizabeth video under "mission" for proof of that. Several of the girls posing questions - that are totally scripted - roll their eyes at her. That made my morning. :)
Plus now, I can bug Carlene, who showed me the site, by humming the annoying song playing in the background. No, not Coldplay, the na na na na na na song. Don't forget to sign up everyone you know for the ask-elizabeth.com newsletter! Carlene will hate me by the end of the day. :)
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
Monday, July 23, 2007
A Letter to J.K. Rowling

Dear Jo:
Thank you for years of enjoyable reading, ignored plot holes and convenient plot devices. We all can't be perfect AND worth a billion dollars!
As a whole I have enjoyed the Harry Potter books for what that's worth. I have a majority of the books in hard back and I pre-ordered the Deathly Hallows just like 99% of the free world. I don't believe you owe me anything but I believe you owe the people, young and old, who contributed to your fortune a decent ending to characters they've loved and cherished for the past 10 years. I am not talking about the piece of crap that is entitled "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."
You have one year to produce a work that wraps up the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a sensible way that does not include any convenient magical errors or unexplained bullshit. Also, give Harry a spine for Christ's sake. And the death count...yeah, you can run that by me first before you kill anyone since you can't seem to tell the difference between important and unimportant characters.
Is this an empty threat? What could a thirty something single mom do to keep Jo awake at night when her own conscience doesn't? Money. No more movie tickets, books, merchandise for me or my son. And I will encourage everyone I know to do likewise. I know that will amount to pennies in your Scrooge McDuck like vault but hey, that's all I can do. To do anything more would just be crazy.
Crazy like killing two of the best characters in the HP series and letting Harry live happily ever after just because you're afraid of 10 year old suicide bombers. Harry dies, Jo. And he deserves to for still believing the lies of Albus Dumbledore. Harry was used and manipulated for 7 books by the man and he names his son after him. That's seriously fucked up, Jo. Maybe you have some father issues yourself. A billion dollars will buy you and your family a hell a lot of counseling after you've re-written book 7.
Hugs and kisses,
Monday, July 16, 2007
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

*NOTE To the people who brought their 2 year old to this PG-13 movie: why? (Since I have a 2 year old, I reserve the right to judge other parents of toddlers. ) I won't even let Layne watch the end of GoF and I certainly wouldn't let him see most of this movie. WTH, people. Hire a sitter.
What I didn't like about this movie was it felt very choppy. They tried to touch on as my many plot points as possible and it just felt rushed and jumbled. There are a lot of NEW characters like Tonks and Kreacher that will return and hardly got any screen time. And old faces like Lupin and Draco were barely there as well. I really wished that they would have added another 45 minutes. Most summer movies have been pushing 3 hours. I for one wouldn't have complained.
What I wanted to see: More scenes with Snape at the house and just more at the house in general. The scene where Harry and the kids go to the hospital and see Neville with his parents. More of Snape's flashbacks. More Tonks. She is the coolest female character and got the boys asking who's that. What happened to Frieze the centaur or however you spell his name?
What I actually like about the movie: the Weasley Twins. They had the best lines as usual but I miss the unkept locks from GoF. Their exit from the school was almost as enjoyable as what happens in the book. I liked Umbridge as a sweetly evil woman. And I did like Sirius' death except I didn't get the chance to cry since we were rushed off to the next scene.
The most disturbing part of the movie was Voldemort standing at the station in his black suit. Omg, he was hot. Maybe it was my reaction that I found disturbing but he is now on the list of do-able characters. Sure, he doesn't have a nose, but he dresses well. Maybe it's just the power that makes him hawt, but if Snape is evil, I'm already half way converted. Bring on the disturbing fantasies.
The last 20 minutes kicked ass and the "love" scenes weren't too painful. Overall this was an ok HP movie. I still love Prisoner of Azkaban the most and I think Goblet of Fire was planned out better. It still beats the overly naive Chris Columbus poo that was the first two movies.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The Transformers

What a load of ....
Ok, big robots destroy stuff is the basis of the movie. Shaia LaBeoff (I really can't stand him or his stupid name) "stars" in this. He's an awkward teen with many awkward moments. Of course conveniently enough the girl he spends his lonely nights fantasizing about follows him along on his adventure.
Really, I've experienced my quota of awkward teen moments in reality and in the movies/tv. I found myself hanging out in the bathroom until it got to the action.
Visually, the movie is pretty cool. There are some cute moments with Bumblebee and I would love a transforming car but I think Vera would be a hell of a lot meaner than Bumblebee. She is German after all.
There really is no message to the movie except come back for Transformers 2 and join the army. I found myself actually agreeing with the Christian review site. Weird isn't it? The hot girl really did show her girls a bit too much.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Pirates 3

I really love Sean but I am concerned with his opinion of me.
Of course I did want to see Pirates 3 so we went. Thus my review. I'll avoid spoilers as Martika may not have seen it.
Two Words: over indulgent. Or is that one word?
I really, really, really enjoyed Jack's hallucinations. Less for the naughty implications and more for the amusement.
I disliked that I kept thinking that for the amount of money that was spent on this very long movie, we could buy Mt. Vernon or maybe cure cancer.
Captain Barbosa kicks ass. He suddenly became the greatest character.
I could really care less about Will and Elizabeth. The ending was a little too sappy. Sean could attest to my snorts and moans during those scenes. But it wasn't to the point of physical discomfort as say those scenes in Episode 2.
The Singapore scenes were cool. Setting wise, this was the best of the 3.
Keith Richards kind of scares me.
It's cute how they maintain the background characters in all three movies. And more of the minor people got more screen time in this one. (It was 3 hours long. )
Seriously, there is a pirate benetton.
Overall, the movie was ok. It was too long but not Titanic living hell long. And all those really apparent clever plot twists aren't that unpredictable so...it dragged. But I love the Captain Jack yet I am not man hungry.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Scrubs Season Finale
John Dorian must die. Painfully. If they are picked up for season 7, I wish that every episode could be centered around the painful torture and eventual physical destruction of John Dorian.
No, he is not cute or a sympathetic character. He is self center and self serving.
Kim is finally back and only a month away from giving birth to his monster child. She would have done better not seeing him ever again. No, I don't sympathize with men who can't handle being a father and run away from commitment.
The episode ends with J.D. and Elliot in the on-call room moments away from kissing and self destructing their relationships - again. They both deserve to burn for hurting the people that care about them.
The Office Season Finale
I love, love, love the Office. No one dies. No is mean to pregnant women. Just silly laughs. :)
Jan has lost her job in corporate despite her new fake breasts and Micheal competes with Karen, Jim and Ryan for her job. Micheal decides to go back with Jan's new breasts despite that Jan herself demeans him - good for him - but is now out of the running.
For the people who actually care about Jim/Pam/Jam, it looks like they have a chance now that he left Karen in New York without any notice. Yeah, he's a real good boyfriend. Good luck with that, Pam.
But the best moment, Ryan gets Jan's job. Next season, Micheal will be answering to the temp. And finally, finally Ryan is done with Kelly.
Lost Season Finale
What the freakin hell. As I've said numerous times this season: the episode that Charlie dies in will be the last episode of Lost I watch, ever. I'm done. Besides his death being pointless and contrived there are characters that deserve death more. Such as:
- Jack. Oh my freaking god does Jack need to die. He's whiney and is now castrated thanks to Juliette. I would actually rather undergo a lobotomy than watch another scene with past/present/future Jack.
- Locke. Did we forget that he killed Boone? He has made more mistakes on the island than anyone else and is always forgiven.
- Michael. He has been absent this season but he did sell the other Losties out for the exchange of Walt and their supposed freedom. And hey, Walt's still on the island so we know that didn't work out so well.
- Bernard. I'm sorry, he's still a part of Wolfram and Hart. He is not to be trusted.
- Any of the Others except for Batmanuel.
If anyone wants my season 1 Lost dvds, please let me know. I will be happy to freecycle them.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Last Night's Lost
This episode was Desmond heavy. I heart Desmond but mind you, I did nod off a few times during the flashbacks.
So Desmond has yet another vision of Charlie biting the dust. This time Charlie, who apparently doesn't watch where's he's walking while he's discussing whether or not Superman is the ultimate super hero, triggers a boobie trap and gets an arrow through his throat. In the vision Desmond does nothing - not that he really could do much - and watches Charlie die. Intermingled in the vision are clips of a parachuter dangling from a tree and a vision of Penny, Desmond's trew wove.
Now just to anger those of us who love Charlie, Desmond decides that the parachuter must be Penny and in order to be reunited with Penny, he's going to let Charlie die. If that happened, this would be the last episode I ever watched. But good ole Des saves Charlie at the last minute and guess what. The parachuter isn't Penny. Ha.
Charlie now knows that Desmond almost let him die and created the whole scenario to bring him to the place where he would die. If I were him, I'd pay Sawyer to kick his ass.
Oh, and now that Jack is no longer interested, Kate is officially with Sawyer. Poor Sawyer. Kate's now on my list of Losties that need to be eaten by a polar bear.
Monday, April 16, 2007
The Office - Safety Training
According to the fanboys on IMDB, this was a horrible episode and the reason why the show should be canceled. Maybe if Jenna Fischer was given a reason to show some of her goodies, they would declare it the best episode...evar!
The highlights of the episode were:
Dwight shunning Andy/Drew and using unshun/reshun when he had to speak with him. I really want to use this at work but I don't dislike anyone. It would be great if Matt shunned Vaughn at work though. :)
The other highlight was the office staff gambling on everything including how long Ryan could keep Kelly talking about Netflix and how many times she used "awesome". Netflix is so awesome!
The best quote was from Kevin. "If anyone offers you 10,000 to 1 odds, take it. If John Melloncamp ever wins an oscar, I'm going to be a very rich man." Or something to that effect.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Doctor Who Season 2
Ok, I like David Tennant as the Doctor even if I was a little creeped out that he was Barty Crouch , Jr. David Tennant, by the way, has erotically long fingers. In case an episode is ever a little dull, you can concentrate on his fingers or his lusciously long and sexy coat. Every man should be required to wear an extra long over coat at all times.
Season 2 Highlights:
- Rose and the Doctor get far too chummy
- Werewolf!
- Mickey is the Tin Dog
- Moaning Myrtle makes a guest appearance
- An episode with the cybermen and Daleks
- And the caterpillars that live on top of Rose's eyes finally died.
I did cry during the last episode when Rose and the Doctor had their last conversation and I did scream Mickey's name when he suddenly appeared in Torchwood. I'm moving on now though.
Oh, the bit where Rose and the Doctor talk about the baby; Even though it's her mum's baby and not Rose's, I took the Doctor's reaction as proof that they had diddled.
I'd give it 8/10
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Last Week's Office
- Go Dwight with the pepper spray...and throwing stars and numchucks!
- I really wanted Roy to beat the crap out of Jim.
- I really wanted Pam to beat the crap out of Jim.
- I really wanted Karen to beat the crap out of Jim.
- Thank god, Andy is back!
- I really hate Jim.
- I need to find a reason to use Bippity Boppity at work.
- Toby is always adorable.
- I really hate Jim.
- Italian pants have no back pockets.
- I really hate Jim.
- Ryan and Kelly really need to break up.
- I really hate Jim.
When you're not sure of who to call, apparently you call me.
I get at least one weird phone call per week. It's as if the person closes their eyes, points to a number in the phone book and dials our office.
Today it was a woman who recently relocated to Bloomington and needed a cardiologist. Ok, Social Work Education has really nothing to do with helping people pick a health care provider but I gave it a shot.
In the past people have mistaken us for the Sociology, Education, Admissions, Financial Aid and Business Departments. You'd think my friendly, "good morning/afternoon School of Social Work" would have tipped them off. It's a good thing that I've been here a bazillion years and I know when FAFSA's are due and how long it takes to be admitted.
And then there are the people that really need help and think we're working social workers and not educators. Those calls get passed on to Kathy. I'm more comfortable telling people when FAFSA's are due.
Today it was a woman who recently relocated to Bloomington and needed a cardiologist. Ok, Social Work Education has really nothing to do with helping people pick a health care provider but I gave it a shot.
In the past people have mistaken us for the Sociology, Education, Admissions, Financial Aid and Business Departments. You'd think my friendly, "good morning/afternoon School of Social Work" would have tipped them off. It's a good thing that I've been here a bazillion years and I know when FAFSA's are due and how long it takes to be admitted.
And then there are the people that really need help and think we're working social workers and not educators. Those calls get passed on to Kathy. I'm more comfortable telling people when FAFSA's are due.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Blender Dilemma
I use a blender almost daily to make Layne's nummy, nummy food. To date we've gone through a food processor, a hand mixer and two blenders. It's very easy to burn the motor's out - at least it's very easy for ME to burn the motors out. Of course I could be more careful, but when your mixing so much, it's easy to not know if the mix is too thick.
We lost our blender last week. It was a Hamilton Beach Wave that was similar to the picture. I spent a whole $20 last fall at Target and was pretty well pleased with it's performance. It made months worth of food for the Doodle and pureed pounds of vegetables and fruit. It had a long life.
So what now...
Instead I settled on this very shiny $40 blender at Bed, Bath, and Blah, Blah, Blah. ($40 means that it will last twice as long as a $20 blender, right?)
It has a glass pitcher - yay! And the shiny chrome is plastic. That's disappointing. It is a bit loud, but that's not something I'm concerned with. The pitcher is smaller than what I'm used to so I have to add more water after it's out of the blender. Over all, it's a fine little machine.
Oster Blender purchased 3/28/07, died.....
And apparently a drop to the floor does not break the glass pitcher. Bonus!
Monday, April 2, 2007
Rome Season 2
I finally watched the last episode of Rome over the weekend. The episode had been sitting on my desktop all week begging me to watch but I just couldn't bring myself to accept that it was over.
After watching it and crying through most of the episode, I was frustrated that Atia didn't have a real ending. The last shot we see of her is at Octavian's Triumph with tears in her eyes. And did Lucius die? It looked like he was close when he reconciled with his ingrate daughter, and Pullo told Octavian that he didn't make it. But...ok, I want a long drawn out death scene. I'm already balling at this point so let's have it.
I'm not gonna bargain. I know that all the petitions being sent to HBO and the BBC are useless.
I was honesty inconsolable for about 2 minutes after the episode and had to seek refuge in all the Doctor Who episodes on youtube. But no more Pullo...is life worth living without Pullo?
Rome was an amazing series and I loved every episode. There aren't many shows that I will say that about. Better for it to end now then drag out into 3 or 4 more low budget seasons.
I heart Rome. 10/10
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Last Night's Lost
Wow. I'm not sure whether to love or hate last night's episode.
Nikki and Paulo are presumably dead. Buried alive after they were believed to be dead by the Losties but were really just paralyzed by a spider bite.
That was kinda of cool actually.
Maybe they can still climb out of their graves and add some reason for their presence on the show.
I've missed a few episodes but their flashbacks were completely worthless. Ok, they're jewel thieves, so what does that have to do with any other character or Dharma?
Paulo overhears one conversation between Ben and Juliet that revels nothing other than Paulo's mysterious need to always been on the toilet and why he was always so grumpy. (Poor boy was having nic fits.)
And all the revisited flashbacks with Paulo and Nikki digitally added into scenes from the previous seasons really just pissed me off. Are we that desperate for story lines? Or are we just frantically trying to pull them into the plot before they asked to be killed off?
Were Paulo and Nikki never invited to the Losties meetings? They discovered Eko's brother's plane and the Pearl before the other Losties. It would have been convenient for P&N to speak up about the 2nd hatch when Ethan was hunting them like boar and the 1st hatch was still sealed. Sure they seemed to keep to themselves, but what the hell.
AND...why do the Losties always accuse Sawyer? He had no motive to kill P&N. He hasn't killed any of the Losties. He only mortally wounded Kate's marshal AFTER said marshal asked to be killed.
- Charlie killed Ethan (an Other).
- Locke killed Boone.
- Sun killed an Other.
- Micheal killed Anna Lucia.
- Anna Lucia killed Shannon.
Charlie, why did you have to tell Sun that you were the one that attacked her so Sawyer could get the guns in Season 2? Desmond won't be able to save you from Jin when he finds out.
I give it a 5/10. I felt sorry for Paulo's character but wasn't sorry to see him go. And if we don't start getting some answers soon, this will be my last season trying to figure this story out.
I forgot...there was special guest star appearance from Billy Dee Williams. Sweet.
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Doctor Who Season 1
During my visit with Martika we were chatting about the new version and how the season 2 Doctor was like Cap'n Mal. We all love Cap'n Mal. But I needed to start with season 1. That's just logical.
I'm always up for new shows so I gave it a try. I swear, after an episode I was hooked. I really loved Christopher Eccleston as the Doctor. He can go from goofy to serious in 2 seconds. Rose...can be annoying as well as her mother and boyfriend. But towards the end of the season we got Cap'n Jack.
I love Cap'n Jack. He's adorable and a complete slut. What's not to like! And now I have to watch Torchwood to see what happens to him.
I think my favorite episodes: The 2nd episode, I think, where they abduct Charles Dickens. And the episode set in 1940's London where they pick up Cap'n Jack.
I was a little teary when the Doctor transformed into the new Doctor. Will season 2 feel different with a new actor?
I would give this first season 8/10.
300 Review
I think it maybe about some battle in Greece like a billion years ago but all the nappie clad men clouded my mind.
Besides all the physical beauty of the actors, the movie is just stunning. The violence and gore is incredibly beautiful.
The only regret I had - no naked spooning.
What I learned from The 300:
- I need my own Michael Fassbender to giggle inappropriately at obstacles in my life.
- Gerry Butler's mouth is just amazing. Seriously.
- Don't mess with Greek women, but I already knew that one.
- 30 something women were not their key demographic - who knew!
- I am actually a 14 year old boy. Again, who knew!
- Rodrigo should just be Xerxes on Lost instead of that annoying Paulo. That would fix some problems with the Losties.
- When did David Wenham become so damn annoying? And where was he when the rest of the cast had their 16 hours of weight training?
- That Persians are evil
- That flamboyant fictional characters who may or may not be gay are evil.
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