Dear Jo:
Thank you for years of enjoyable reading, ignored plot holes and convenient plot devices. We all can't be perfect AND worth a billion dollars!
As a whole I have enjoyed the Harry Potter books for what that's worth. I have a majority of the books in hard back and I pre-ordered the Deathly Hallows just like 99% of the free world. I don't believe you owe me anything but I believe you owe the people, young and old, who contributed to your fortune a decent ending to characters they've loved and cherished for the past 10 years. I am not talking about the piece of crap that is entitled "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."
You have one year to produce a work that wraps up the adventures of Harry, Ron, and Hermione in a sensible way that does not include any convenient magical errors or unexplained bullshit. Also, give Harry a spine for Christ's sake. And the death count...yeah, you can run that by me first before you kill anyone since you can't seem to tell the difference between important and unimportant characters.
Is this an empty threat? What could a thirty something single mom do to keep Jo awake at night when her own conscience doesn't? Money. No more movie tickets, books, merchandise for me or my son. And I will encourage everyone I know to do likewise. I know that will amount to pennies in your Scrooge McDuck like vault but hey, that's all I can do. To do anything more would just be crazy.
Crazy like killing two of the best characters in the HP series and letting Harry live happily ever after just because you're afraid of 10 year old suicide bombers. Harry dies, Jo. And he deserves to for still believing the lies of Albus Dumbledore. Harry was used and manipulated for 7 books by the man and he names his son after him. That's seriously fucked up, Jo. Maybe you have some father issues yourself. A billion dollars will buy you and your family a hell a lot of counseling after you've re-written book 7.
Hugs and kisses,
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