Monday, May 28, 2007

Lost Season Finale

Lost Season Finale

What the freakin hell. As I've said numerous times this season: the episode that Charlie dies in will be the last episode of Lost I watch, ever. I'm done. Besides his death being pointless and contrived there are characters that deserve death more. Such as:

  1. Jack. Oh my freaking god does Jack need to die. He's whiney and is now castrated thanks to Juliette. I would actually rather undergo a lobotomy than watch another scene with past/present/future Jack.
  2. Locke. Did we forget that he killed Boone? He has made more mistakes on the island than anyone else and is always forgiven.
  3. Michael. He has been absent this season but he did sell the other Losties out for the exchange of Walt and their supposed freedom. And hey, Walt's still on the island so we know that didn't work out so well.
  4. Bernard. I'm sorry, he's still a part of Wolfram and Hart. He is not to be trusted.
  5. Any of the Others except for Batmanuel.
Ok, so it was a good episode expect for when Charlie died needlessly. Hurley kicked major ass and so did Sawyer. Maybe I wouldn't feel so pissed at the Lost writers if Charlie died for a reason to further the plot. But no, the writers backed themselves into a corner and I'm assuming poor little Dom was bored out his mind in Hawaii.

If anyone wants my season 1 Lost dvds, please let me know. I will be happy to freecycle them.


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