The story starts with a death of a co-worker of Sookie's. The body is found in Andy Bellefluer's (the local detective) car. Dun dun dun. Plot A.
We move on to Sookie and Bill driving along after being called to Eric's bar Fangtasia. They begin to argue and the car breaks down. Sookie in a snit walks off and is attacked by a supernatural who may have orchestrated the fight and break down. Bill comes to the rescue though and rushes her to Eric. All the vamps save her but now she owes them. Plot B.
Sookie is now off to Dallas to find a missing vampire and we get a look into the Fellowship of the Sun, a cult devoted to snuffing out vampire life. (I did think that was utter genius on Charlaine's part) She discovers that the cult has the vampire and is going to kill him at dawn unless Sookie can get him out. Along the way she meets Barry the bellboy, another telepath, who plays an important role later in the books. Plot C.
Sookie does need some help this time from some Weres to get out alive but still no Vampire Bill busting down doors. In fact after her escape she's summoned to a party where the house is attacked and its Eric that saves her from being shot. Bill is around but he's a little busy feasting on their attackers. Bill really isn't a great boyfriend.
After she gets back into town Sookie still has to solve the mystery of her dead friend that seems to have been on the back burner for several weeks now. Slowly she figures out that maybe her friend was partying with the wrong people and has to infiltrate a sex party with the help of Eric again...in neon spandex. Maybe plot A was worth it for the spandex.
It seems that plot A was just a way to divulge some information about Bill's current relatives none of which are pleasant people. And it just seems to add to his ADHD around her. Now he becomes obsessed with helping them and pay less attention to his Suckie.
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