Because Marissa said it was good, I started watching the first season of Robin Hood. These are my thoughts of the first episode.
- That's not chain mail - those are glad bags.
- I'm pretty sure this was shot entirely in Brown County.
- There seems to be A LOT of sexual tension between Guy and Robin. They must have had some rivalry in High School.
- "Crunch and Munch is no longer my manservant...he's my life partner."
- There seems to be A LOT of sexual tension between Guy and Marian, Guy and the curtains, Guy and the furniture, Guy and the horses, Guy and the peasants, Guy and the sheriff, Guy and himself. I think you get the point.
- If they don't cease with the arrow shot scene labels, I will beat someone to death. Seriously. Who edited this? A fourth grader?
- Marian has tiny ears. They're incredibly disproportionate. I can't stop looking at them whenever she's on screen.
- Wouldn't it better to free the little guys dangling by their necks and save the monologue for later?
- Oh no, slightly hairier and larger men with bows. It's odd how everyone's beard is perfectly groomed and everyone seems cleaner than I'd thought they'd be in 1182.
Overall it's been pretty cheesy but maybe the sexual tension between Guy and someone/something comes to a head in the next few episodes. Or he starts walking around shirtless in every episode. That would make things better.