This episode was Desmond heavy. I heart Desmond but mind you, I did nod off a few times during the flashbacks.
So Desmond has yet another vision of Charlie biting the dust. This time Charlie, who apparently doesn't watch where's he's walking while he's discussing whether or not Superman is the ultimate super hero, triggers a boobie trap and gets an arrow through his throat. In the vision Desmond does nothing - not that he really could do much - and watches Charlie die. Intermingled in the vision are clips of a parachuter dangling from a tree and a vision of Penny, Desmond's trew wove.
Now just to anger those of us who love Charlie, Desmond decides that the parachuter must be Penny and in order to be reunited with Penny, he's going to let Charlie die. If that happened, this would be the last episode I ever watched. But good ole Des saves Charlie at the last minute and guess what. The parachuter isn't Penny. Ha.
Charlie now knows that Desmond almost let him die and created the whole scenario to bring him to the place where he would die. If I were him, I'd pay Sawyer to kick his ass.
Oh, and now that Jack is no longer interested, Kate is officially with Sawyer. Poor Sawyer. Kate's now on my list of Losties that need to be eaten by a polar bear.